The Planning Commission meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00 pm at 111 South Main Street, second floor. All meetings are open to the public.
The Planning Commission reviews all land subdivisions (some are done by Staff), development plans, recommends zone changes, recommends text amendments, and monitors office operations.
A Preliminary and a Final Development Plan are required during the review process. A Preliminary Development Plan must be reviewed by the Planning Commission at their monthly public meeting. Final Development Plans are then reviewed by staff after all conditions and comments from the Planning Commission have been met. There is no filing deadline for a Final Development Plan but no development can occur until the Final has been signed off by the Director. Modifications or revisions of a Final Development Plan may require Planning Commission approval.
Development Plans may be:
A. Approved
B. Approved with conditions– conditions may regard character, location, or other features of the proposed use as it deems appropriate.
C. Denied
Development Plan approval is intended to:
A. Provide for uses that are beneficial to the community
B. Properly integrate the uses permitted within each district with other uses
C. Provide appropriate provisions for the impact of the proposed use.
Materials that must be submitted by the deadline for Planning Commission review:
A. A completed Application form
B. The review fee
C. Digital copy of plan and 9 copies in hard form containing the following:
Proposed Use
Topographic Information
Off-street parking and loading plan
Circulation Diagram
Building footprint and sidewalks
Species specific landscaping plan
Conformance with required setbacks
Preliminary Drainage Plan
Utility Easements
Proposed sign locations, lighting, dumpster location, and traffic control devices
All required statistical information and certifications
NO building permit may be issued until the Building Official has received an approved Final Development Plan.
Planning Commision Fees
Major Subdivision Plats
Preliminary Plat Review $300 plus $5 per lot
Final Plat Review $150 plus $3 per lot
Minor Subdivision Plats
Preliminary Plat Review $150 plus $5 per lot
Final Plat Review $100 plus $3 per lot
Amended Subdivision Plat $150
Development Plan
Preliminary Plan Review $250
Final Plan Review $100 plat
Approval (meets in house review requirements) $75
Zone Change $350
Zoning Certification $50
Temporary Permit $100
Certificate of non-conforming use $50
Planned Unit Developments
Preliminary Plat Review $300 plus $5 per lot
Final Plat Review $200 plus $3 per lot
Special Meetings $200 plus regular fees
Cellular Tower $2,500
Cellular Tower replacement or augmentation $1,000
Cellular Tower device co-location /replacement $250