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​The City and County have adopted the International Building Code and Residential Code which requires a building permit to be approved prior to construction.


The following are some examples of when a permit is required, but please note that this is not a complete list:


  • Any type of residence

  • Manufactured Home

  • Deck

  • Porch

  • Breezeway

  • Any type of addition to an existing structure

  • Storage shed/ accessory structure

  • Remodel of a structure or residence

  • Garage or Carport

  • In ground Pool

  • Sign

Do I need a placement/location permit or a building permit??
Click HERE


All Permitting as required by the State of Kentucky is done through the Planning office. The fee is $25 per permit.  


Contact local electrical inspector Larry Rice (859) 338-6109 with any questions.


**Contact the Planning Commission Office before you begin any project. You will be charged a fine for beginning any construction work without a permit. The building inspector is often working in the field, so if you plan to visit our office to speak to the inspector in person please call to schedule. 


According to the Kentucky Building Code, no building or structure shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted or demolished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the building official.


Application forms and checklists can be found on the left side of this page. At the time of submittal you must turn in:


1. Two sets of Plans

2. Signed Application

3. Site Plan

4. Site Evaluation (if applicable)

5. Workers Comp. Ins.

6. Check or Money Order– calculated at drop-off


If this information is not received in full your permit will not be processed until all 6 items are turned in. At time of pick-up you will be given a sheet to remind you of the inspections that are required for your specific project. Do not start work until you have your  permit and inspections called in.

  • New Construction  $00.15 per sq. ft. including all floors, attic, bonus room and basement     

  • Duplex/Townhhouse/Apts./Condos  $00.15 per sq. ft. includes attic and basement

  • Garages, Carports, Breezeway, Deck, Porch  $00.12 per sq. ft.

  •  Finished Basement   $00.15 per sq. ft.

  • Modular Home   $00.15 per sq. ft.  (KIBS)

  • Manufactured Home Placement   $00.15 per sq. ft.

  • Residential Relocation    $00.15 per sq. ft. includes basement

  • Accessory Building Structure   $00.12 per sq. ft.

  • Swimming Pool -In Ground   $100.00​​​​

  • ​​Residential and Modular Home Inspections  (Footer, Foundation, Slab, Frame, Insulation, Final)   $25 per inspection

  • Manufactured Home Placement  $25 per inspection

  • Re-Inspection (3rd time)   $40

  • Certificate of Occupancy    $50

  • Commercial, Institutional, Industrial   State Fees Adopted

  • Demolition Permit   $100

  • Signs   $75 per sign

  • Placement Permit   $75

  • Minimum fee all permits   $60

  • Construction in progress or complete with no permit  Triple the listed fee on schedule plus inspection and occupancy permit

  • Occupying without final inspection   $150 initial fee, plus $50 per day


Commercial Building Permit Fees:

Construction Cost

  •  $0 - $49,000                            $100

  • $50,000 - $99,000                     $200

  • $100,00 - $200,000                   $250

  • Per each additional $100,000      $50 added


Buildings that are 10,000 sq.ft. or more, intended for 100 or more occupancy, require a liquor license, or places such as churches with 300 or more seating all fall under the State Building House and Construction jurisdiction - please contact them at 502-573-0364 or contact our staff for general questions

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