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The Cynthiana Board of Adjustment meets the second Thursday of the month at 6pm at 111 South Main Street, on the second floor. 


The Harrison County Board of Adjustment meets the fourth Monday of the month at 6pm at 111 South Main Street (Court House).  


The Berry Board of Adjustment meets as needed. The Board of Adjustment hears variances, conditional uses, home occupations and administrative appeals.



Board of Adjustment Fees:

Variance                          $200.00

Conditional Use                $200.00

Home Occupation             $200.00

Administrative Appeal        $150.00


Please follow all steps on the application form and provide the required supplemental information.


Process to apply:


1. Fill out Application (see forms and checklists to the left)

2. Site plan that accurately illustrates the nature of the conditional use or variance

3. A written narrative outlining the reasons for the variance, conditional use or appeal.

4. Pay fee   


Board of Adjustment Information

What is the Board of Adjustment?


The Board is appointed to hear and review requests for variances, conditional uses and appeals on matters related to the Zoning Ordinance. It is not a legislative body with the authority to amend ordinances or create new laws. KRS 100 requires that the government maintain a separate Board of Adjustment from the Planning Commission.



What is a variance?


A variance may include the modification of the height, yard setbacks, area coverage and parking regulations as may be required to secure the appropriate development of a parcel of land which differs from other parcels in the same zoning district by being such restricted area, shape, or slope, that it cannot appropriately be developed without such modifications. Four determining factors must be met before the Board can approve a variance.



What is a conditional use?


A conditional use is a use which is essential to our would promote the public health, safety or welfare in one or more zones, but which would not impair the integrity and character of the zone in which it is located, or in adjoining zones, unless restriction on size, location, extent, and character or performance are imposed in addition to those imposed in zoning regulations.



What is an administrative appeal?


The Board can hear and decide cases in which the applicant believes there has been an error by the Director in the interpretation or enforcement of the Zoning Code. The appeal must be made in 30 days.


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